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Insights & News

The year 2024 and expectations for 2025

CEO and Portfolio Manager Bo Knudsen reflects on the investment year 2024 and assesses the outlook for the coming year.

Superscaling in the 2020s and beyond

The dominance of today’s largest companies has led to extreme market concentration, but this is not historically unique. CEO and Portfolio Manager Bo Knudsen takes a deep dive into Superscaling in the 2020s and beyond.

Status: The Stock Markets After the First Half

Bo Knudsen, CEO and Portfolio Manager, provides a mid-year update on the investment year 2024. Among other things, he discusses why politics plays a crucial role in the 2020s.

The Energy Transition Has Failed

The unilateral focus on solar and wind as substitutes for fossil fuels is insufficient to decarbonize the world. We also need to invest in other energy sources, including nuclear power. That's the view of C WorldWide's Thematic Specialist Morten Springborg.

The Year 2023 and 2024 Outlook

CEO and Portfolio Manager of C WorldWide, Bo Knudsen, looks back at the year 2023 and discusses the themes which we believe will be central in the investment year 2024.

Half-time: Status on the stock markets

Bo Knudsen, CEO and Portfolio Manager, shares our view on the stock market status in 2023. He also discusses the impact of Artificial Intelligence (AI).

Interview with Jim Hagemann Snabe

Jim Hagemann Snabe, Chair of the Supervisory Board of Siemens AG, Chair of the Board of Directors of Northvolt and Member of the Board of C3 AI, shares his views of the 2020's from a leadership perspective.

Interview with Morten Springborg

Morten Springborg, Thematic Specialist, shares our thoughts and insights on the implications for the long-term investor, and what areas of the equity markets and what countries will benefit the most from the growth of the intelligent tangible economy.

Video: How to Invest in a More Difficult Economic Environment

CEO and Portfolio Manager Bo Knudsen shares our view on high-quality stocks and how our investment strategy can benefit investors with a long-term investment horizon.

Video: Global Equity Outlook

Bo Knudsen, CEO and Portfolio Manager, shares our thoughts on the investment year 2022 and our expectations for the year 2023.